EdCare differes against ILO Claims on Child Labour

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I beg to differ, with ILO against its claim that child labour has decreased by 38% in the last decade.

Child labour

I can agree if the ILO is talking about organized labour. However in the unorganized sector like in agriculture, construction and household chores, I cannot agree with.
There is no reason for child labour to come down while poverty, productivity, unemployment and the nation’s GDP and inflation isn’t healthy enough.

Children victims of aggression

Child labour has not decreased nor is it decreasing. And I am sure it’s bound to raise with poverty, sickness, joblessness, loans, mortagages, inflation and more.
There is more movement from the urban to the rural sides due to joblessness and from the rural to the roadside for other forms of exploitation.

No Tobacco day

Children are more in danger than ever, due to the increase in family burden. Private loans are killing people and many are becoming landless. This again is fuelling pressures on children. Schools are closed and the midday meals aren’t working. There’s a likelihood of child marraiges, EdCaRe has earlier stated and that’s coming up a reality.

child marraige

Earth is at Risk. Children of today, the architects of Earth Tomorrow need more attention than ever. They have lost schools and classes and have also passed degrees and diplomas. Children are at danger greater than ever. They need be supported with the losses so far, they need be assured and releived from fear and despair, they need be skilled and tutored for losses in academic hours and much has to be done, than needed ever before.