Labour is Superior to Time

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Contrary to popular belief, it’s not time that’s superior, but labour, Edcare Trusts.

Labour is Superior to Time, Edcare Trust

Time and Labour, both are Perishable and Depleting, Irreplaceable and Irredeemable.
However, Time is Only a Game Finisher but, Labour, a Game Changer. And,
Time is Given and None can Acquire, Accumulate or Accentuate Time.
However, a Labour in Time, can be Acquired, Accumulated, and Accentuated further.
Time is Expanding, to Einstein but in Human terms, Time is Deductive not Elastic or Multiplying.
But Labour is Additive, Multiplicative and Progressive to greater Worth, Efficiency, Quality, Impact and More.
Given Life is, Given is Also Time.
Labour is the Only Characteristic
That’s Special and Prime.
EdCaRe in Praise of Labour
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