A full bench of the Madras High Court, comprising Justice V Bharathidasan, Justice M Dhandapani and Justice PT Asha, in May 2021 has held, “It is clear that as of now, pursuing dual degree courses, one through regular mode and the other through distance education or otherwise than the regular stream, during the same academic year has not been recognised by the UGC.”
However, it cannot be forgotten that many great personalities have honoured persons having degrees of duration greater than their age. What will be stand in such case.
There are TWO modes of Education. One is Regular and the other is Correspondence. In this covid time, only the Correspondence mode is functioning and the Regular Mode has mutated to Webportal Mode. What time it takes for a teacher and a student to familiarise themselves to the new mode and what time has it taken for the ICT trained personnel, to implement their training in their own work setup in the past, is all a factor at assessing the quality of Teaching – Learning Process. What came first, the Examination or their Familiarisation, is understandable to those familiar with Culture Gap or the Technology and Generation Gaps.
Further, there’s already a bias against Degrees earned from Pure Correspondence Mode and the other like those from Regular Mode. In the face of Covid Pandemic and the Web based Teaching – Learning Practices having been the norm, and the Technology Gap that’s understandable, would the bias against Correspondence Education be nuetralized or the Regular Mode get that it deserves, with their preparedness to submit certificates of Regular Attendance and also In-service Teaching Experiences, is to be seen.