About Edcare

The Founder declares Edcare a.k.a. Education Care Rehabilitation Organization, a Charitable Trust working in the areas of Education, Care and Rehabilitation is irrevocable, non-political and non-religious in character.

Fund Utilization

The funds / income, as defined elsewhere, of the trust shall be solely utilized for achieving the object of the trust

Territorial Jurisdiction

The object of the trust shall be carried out only in India

Mode of Activities

The activities of the trust may be conducted in mediums, physical, digital or other as deemed fit and necessary
  • Education” means, the general awareness, training, coaching, mentoring, preparing and any such activity conducted at ensuring, enabling, improving, providing, facilitating, offering, securing and such other objectives, in the areas inclusive of parenting and physical, behavioural, social, moral and intellectual talents, skills, interests, aptitudes and or abilities to the welfare of person and people, from fetal and parenthood to its natural course of growth and development.
  • Care” means to safeguard and promote the human, hearth and the land and refers to the assisting, attending, supporting, voicing, representing, referring, directing, providing, guiding, counseling and any such activity conducted at establishing, ensuring, enabling, improving, providing, procuring, facilitating, offering, securing and such other objectives, in the areas extending from fetal welfare to social and economic wellbeing, secured and dignified living, inclusive of enjoying the rights and adhering to the responsibilities, availing of privileges and provisions as enshrined in the Constitution of India and in the many Acts, Policies, Programmes, schemes and other measures of the Central and State governments, their departments, agencies and other institutions of the Republic, for person and people, affected or possibly threatened by malnutrition, marital dispute, discord or separation, conflict with law, poverty, discrimination, learning disability or lag, physical, behavioural, social, moral or intellectual problems violence or any such nature, capable of threatening or staggering their life, living or prosperity, in womb, home, school, work or community.
  • Rehabilitation” means assisting, ensuring, enabling, improving, providing, procuring, facilitating, offering, establishing, securing, preparing, training, guiding, counseling and such other, for the cause of Education and Care as referred above, to those affected by social ills viz., Alcoholism, Substance abuse or such and other issues like social stigma, or domestic abuse, violence, separation, delinquency, homelessness, poverty, conflict with law, illiteracy, malnourishment, physically challenged, or devoid of basic necessities of life and living inclusive of being affected by natural disasters, or such as would fall under Force majeure or unforeseen happenstances as interpreted from the view of such affected person or persons or in general or by a declaration of the local, state or central government for growth, development. study, work, leisure, rest and life.