
Primary Objectives
1. To work for the cause of Education, Care and Rehabilitation
2. To work for protection, survival, education, participation and promotion of interests of children
3. To identify, diagnose, counsel, guide, train, assist, support, rehabilitate children and students with learning, behavioural, situational or other issues
4. To coach, tutor, teach and conduct camps and courses for school, collegiate and trade education and training, and programmes on career, workplace, leisure, skills, languages, arts, adjustment, parenting and pedagogy, financial literacy, safe and social living, legal rights, social legislations and welfare measures of the government, reproductive and child health, food, nutrition and hygiene, social and psychological health, marital and family welfare, personality, identification and development of talent, disaster management, first aid, rehabilitation and others
5. To establish, run, undertake, takeover rehabilitation and training centers, for the mentally, physically, psychologically, socially, and or emotionally challenged
6. To institute, conduct, deliver, distribute, present awards, titles, contests, prizes, certificates, gifts, luncheons, fests, celebrations, meets and such others so to popularize, encourage, promote the objects of the trust and its outcome
7. To offer digital e-learning and facilitate pooling of implicit, explicit and tacit knowledge
8. To observe, popularize and work for the goals, objectives of the National and International level programmes viz., The Sustainable Goals of Development and others for the fulfillment of basic necessities of all
9. To promote, celebrate and work for the observation and objectives of National, International and World Days of the Year
10. To establish, run and maintain hostels, shelters and homes for street children, orphans, widows, destitute, the aged and such children and others under conflict with law or in need of special care
11. To produce, organize, conduct, promote awareness camps, workshops, seminars, conferences, publications, social mobilization, campaign, street shows, talks, films, posters, contests, and many social associative processes and disseminative methods at the local, district, state, national, international level
12. To establish, take over and maintain education institutions, schools, colleges, training institutes, hospitals, academies, counseling and guidance centers, libraries, and tuition centers
13. To publish books, materials, journals, periodicals, news bulletins, tracts, pamphlets, posters and other relevant materials other than registered Newspapers and to share, secure, produce, short films, slides, stories and the like for the promotion of work and objectives of the trust, inclusive of publishing, production, dissemination, distribution, transmission, reception, propagation and otherwise of sensory, creative and intellectual content through air, space, light, matter, digital and other mediums
14. To entertain exchange programs of visitors into India and abroad, and sponsor travel to any part of the world for the advancement of the objects<
15. To promote, popularize leisure and provide leisure time guidance and activities
16. To work for the spread and development of scientific knowledge, sport, literature
17. To grant or provide scholarship in cash or kind
18. To train for skilling, upskilling, reskilling of students, graduates, trained, untrained and others
19. To organize campus interviews offer employment opportunities, placement services
20. To provide financial, technical, business and consultancy support to educational and training institutions, business enterprises, start-ups and individuals
21. To conduct polls, surveys, studies and others to measure, identify, understand the people problems, needs and suggest social, institutional and individualized solutions
22. To educate, spread , train for the awareness and importance of patenting and inventions
23. To organize round the clock helpline and counseling services
24. To work and collaborate with the welfare activities organized and sponsored by the state and central governments, their ministries, commissions, offices, cells, agencies and others, national and international aid agencies and organizations including the United Nations and its bodies and agencies and to cooperate with them in all matters concerning the common interest and for the promotion of rights, social defense and welfare of person and people
25. To organize, undertake participate in studies, research to achieve the objects of the trust and also to collaborate with other bodies, organizations, institutions and universities for the purpose
26. To help, support and provide for the aged, infirm, orphans, destitute, working women, physically challenged and those in conflict with law and needy of care and attention
27. To prevent exploitation of children and to enforce the rights of children and to work towards abolition of child labour
28. To give assistance to people affected by natural calamities like flood, fire, cyclone, Earthquake, Accidents, Drought, Famine, Pestilence or unforeseen happenstances, and to undertake relief, rescue and rehabilitation work during natural or other disasters in addition to giving donation, subscription, contribution to institutions or persons doing relief work
29. To counsel, prepare, train, guide and rehabilitate the alcoholics, drug addict, substance abusers
30. To prepare for, control, combat and management of Disasters.
Ancillary objects of the Trust
1. To work at improving the standard of living and quality of life of all sections of the population by improving the basic amenities, enhancing human development, creating higher productivity, providing better livelihood opportunities, reducing disparities and enriching social capital
2. To Leverage the leadership, capacity, commitment and energy of all at promoting, developing and harnessing the material, spiritual, social, economic, emotional, moral, intellectual good and the human resource of the of the country, focused on outcomes and sustainability
3. To Engage and mobilize the community for participatory action and voluntarism aimed at solidarity, health, peace, progress and happiness for all
4. To work at converging different government programmes and private and voluntary initiatives to achieve comprehensive development in tune with people’s aspirations and local potential
5. To Build partnerships with voluntary organizations, co-operatives and academic and research institutions besides involving public training institutions, universities, start-ups and individual experts to be a part of the activities of the trust
6. To empower citizens to access government services and e-governance ranging from Central to Local bodies and other citizen-centric services
7. To inculcate behavioural changes and furthering personal values
8. To provide education and social security and to aim at improving the health and nutrition of citizens and especially of children and the mother-to be
9. To help at generating sources of employment and to enable digital empowerment of every citizen besides working for the cause of entrepreneurship
10. To Promote financial and social inclusion and to strengthen the cooperative sector
11. To provide enable facilitate, encourage Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation for the cause, idea, necessity and facility for innovation hub and Start-up
12. support weaker and disadvantaged sections of society through focused outreach programmes and targeted skill development activities
13. To educate, support, help and work for the cause, development, registration and exploitation of the various Intellectual Properties, their various provisions, rights and protection
14. To ensure the protection and survival of the girl child and enabling her education and participation
15. To work for the cause of the workers belonging to the unorganized sector and to give people access to affordable working capital loans which can help them to improve their livelihood besides
16. To set - up charging stations for electric vehicles, establish solar farms and the like
17. To promote efficient usage of energy and harnessing natural resources
18. To work for the cause of conservation, maintenance, regeneration, restoration, recharge and maintenance of water resource, ground water, surface flow and in the process of protection, rejuvenation, improve the exploitation of the groundwater resources and management of the river and biodiversity
19. To work for the protection of citizens and for combating against the dreadful contingencies like COVID-19 pandemic and also to deal with forthcoming emergencies or distress situations
20. To work at improving access to healthcare services at the primary level and also enabling at availing healthcare services at the secondary and tertiary levels
21. To work at promoting all avenues, inclusive of tourism, local art and culture, handicraft and cuisines, Information and interpretation centers etc those could multiply the employment generation and economic development
22. To form Self Help Groups in every village and help its members to get loans from the banks
23. To establish, promote, conduct planting of trees, organic farming, training on agricultural necessities for the farm and the gardens, spread awareness, use, cultivation and value addition to the many yields and benefits of medicinal plants, help pursue horticulture, sericulture, vermiculture and the rest for self employment and use
24. To form, raise and train on cattle rearing, poultry farming, dairy farming, solar farming, agricultural nurseries, and other farms, inclusive of medicinal parks, gardens, and fruits and vegetables and to promote organic farming, terrace and kitchen gardening of medicinal plants and vegetables and fruits for culinary, medicinal, commercial and other purposes at homes, public places, institutions, offices, farms, wastelands and others
25. To develop, promote, reclaim dry, waste, barren. and government lands for sustainable and productive use, afforestation, agriculture, green and clean atmosphere and others
26. To serve for the welfare and upliftment of the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, downtrodden classes of people, economic weaker sections, socially oppressed or the other needy, and for the empowerment and emancipation of women and for the rights of children In witness thereof, the President has duly affixed his signature in the presence of witnesses on this day, 30 OF March 2021 (Thirtieth of March Two Thousand Twenty One)